Definition of Terms:
Note: Where the term “CONTRACTOR” is used this includes the contractor and its entire subcontractor. Incident: An events or a chain of events that has caused or could have caused human injury/illness and/or damage (loss) to assets, the environment or the third parties.
Accident: Any events that results in injury, and/or damages and/or loss.
Near miss: Any events which had the potential to cause injury and/or damage and/or loss, but which was avoid by circumstances.
Anomaly: Any situation having the potential to contribute to an incident. An Anomaly is an incident factor, which requires combining with several others to generate an incident.
Audit: Systematic and independent examination to determine whether or not activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether not these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve
Critical: Qualifies an item of equipment, a product, a service or an operation having the potential to give rise, directly or indirectly, to risk of ill-health or injury, damage to property, plant or the environment.
HSE: Health, Safety and Environmental HSE improvement plan: A document, which defines the corrective or preventive actions needed to improve 11SF performance. HSE Committee: The committee at the site in charge of monitoring all HSE matters, especially the HSE improvement plan. Site: Defined area where the activity takes place. Management: Management of PROJECT activities at a specific location. Risk: A combination of the
probability of occurrence of defined hazard and its estimated cavity. Simultaneous Operations: Two or more major activities carried out in the same vicinity at the same time potential interference creating notable risks. Specification: All internal rules and regulations adopted by PROJECT.System: Organization structure, responsibilities, procedures, process and resource needed to implement HSE management. Approved: An internationally recognized approval authority and/or the company have approved the item or procedures shall: Indicates a mandatory course of the action and should indicate a preferred or recommended course of action. TPA: Third Party Authority. PPE: Personal Protective Equipment. MSDS: Material
Safety Data Sheet. PTW: Permit to Work
HSE Policy Statement:
- Consideration of Health and Safety at work and respect for the environment as important as the economic performance of PROJECT.
- Prevention of exposure to risk in all areas of its endeavors.
- Adoption of an attitude of openness and constructive dialogue with public Authorities and local communities to protect the environment and to safeguard the health, safety and quality of life of those living or working in the vicinity of our operating facilities.
- Minimization of any adverse effects of its operations on the environment. To meet these objectives of a safe, healthy, injury free and environmentally sound business: EJED commits to the:
- Establishment of HSE management systems and programs and endorsement of them at all levels.
- Education and understanding of HSE systems, plans and practice for all Project personnel and other people involved in activities where there is a chance of personal injury/illness or environmental harm.
- Enforcement of all HSE policies, procedures, plans and preventive measures.
- Education of HSE Management systems, Plans and Programs to ensure ongoing continuous improvement in providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible workplace. City Sky will achieve these commitments by:
Continued development and implementation of management plans to eliminate or control hazards associated with the operations.
Involving all employees in HSE programs through consultation, participation and using an effective proper communication system.
Ensuring the HSE policies, procedures and practices are in accordance with the legislative requirements, industry and standards and the bestpractice concepts.
The development and implementation of training programs to ensure that employees, supervisors and managers are familiar with and understand 1-1SE principles, policies, procedures and practice. Ongoing implementation of environmental management plans through pollution prevention, eco-efficiency and waste avoidance reduction, re-use, recycling and natural resource management.
- Organisation of effective emergency and injury management plan.
Ensuring that all potential HSE impacts are considered prior to change to the business or operations.
Providing levels of suspension appropriate to the nature and risk of the task being performed.
Ensuring that the suppliers and consultants are aware of and comply with City Sky.
HSE policies, procedures, practices and legislative requirements where applicable.
Conducting regular HSE management audits and inspection in due time, and developing and monitoring defined HSE objective. All employees,consultants, vendors and visitors shall comply with this present HSE policy whilst involved in City Sky project operations. It is the responsibilityof all managers and supervisors to ensure understanding, implementation and enforcement of this policy that HSE policies, procedures and practices are in accordance with the Legislative requirements, industries and standards and best practice concepts.
Ensuring that all relevant HSE legislation, regulations, codes and licenses are complied with.
Conducting regular HSE management audits and inspection in due time, and developing and monitoring defined HSE objective. All employees, consultants, vendors and visitors shall comply with this present HSE policy whilst involved in City Sky project operations. It is the responsibility of all managers and supervisors to ensure understanding, implementation and enforcement of this policy, objective and goals. The Following are the goals and objectives of the HAS management System.
To ensure and display compliance with the international Codes and Standards.
No (ZERO) lost time Injuries, permanent disabilities and fatal accidents.
- No (ZERO) Significant Property Loss
Exclusion of unsafe conditions/situations on the site.
Exclusion of situation that could have a negative impact on the environment.
Commitments and Motivation:
Planning all work in a safe manner prior to executing the tasks and conducting risk assessments for non-routine and hazardous activities.
Providing a safe facility, equipment, personal protective equipment and safe working procedures.
Providing suitable training, supervision, information and instruction to all personnel in the work place.
Introducing system to encourage active involvement of the management workforce and the local community in providing suggestions and proposals form improvements in the HSE performance.
Providing active support to the workforce by the way of specialist advice in safety and quality areas.
Assessing the risk in the workplace with subsequent communication to the workforce.
Maintaining an active record of all incidents for the continual evaluation/analysis of the project safety refinance so that ways and means for improvement can be developed and implemented. A continues effort, driven by project management involvement, will he made throughout all phase of Project activities to motivate the workforce to take an active part in use issues and activities.
HSE Rules:
City Sky will comply, as a minimum, with national and international laws and applicable local regulations and rules throughout its operations and activities.
These Healthy, Safety and Environmental Policy and Standards are to be clearly defined and made known at all levels of the project. Responsibilities and account abilities for the associated application are to be identified and assigned in writing.
Throughout Projects activities and operations, the risk to health, personnel, assets and environment are to be identified and the means by which they are to be minimised/avoid are to be defined.
All subcontractors must be evaluated for their abilities to confirm to the Projects health, safety and environment requirements that must be clearly stated in the contract. All contract award recommendations must address this issue.
All operation with a potentially critical effect on health, safety and environment are to be covered by producers that are reviewed and updated on a regular basis.
Training and competency programs are to be formalized and implemented to ensure that personnel are prepared for the tasks required for them with particular attention being given to safety and environmentally critical posts.
Emergency procedures covering communications and actions in case of medical, accident and environmental emergencies are to be maintained and tested.
All incidents and accidents, including near misses, are to be reported, analyzed and remedial actions taken to avoid re-occurrence.
All projects operations and activities are to be assessed by inspection and audits.
Each area of operation will established objectives and improvement plan based on incident analyzed. Audit results and risk analyses in order to raise the level of HSE performance.
HSE Organization and Coordination:
The emphasis on the protection of project safety, health and environmental standards starts with Contractors corporate management and extends throughout the project organization from the management team to each and every work front on site. As noted, this requires the commitment of all members of the team to meet their own individual responsibilities towards health, safety and welfare of the project as a whole. The HSE Management Team and team members are charged with responsibility for the implementation of HSE management system and programs for the project as a whole and, as such, play a key role in the success of the project. They not only have a direct hand in the daily direction of HSE matters on the project, they have responsibility for supporting all members of the project team through the review of safety features, the review of construction plans and methods, the provision of proper training and safety guides, the supply of safety tools and equipment throughout the site, the auditing of working practices, advising on preventative measures and implementing safety improvements as required. In addition to this primary role in preventative action, the HSE team will act as leaders of the first line response teams in the event of accidents or incidents. Consultant has to receive site specification of HSE manual for COMPANY approval as soon as well prior to commencement of work at site.
- Management:
The projects Managers act as the sponsor for the project compliance with project HSE Policy for the whole project. He is also a member of Contractors corporate HSE Management Committee and answerable to them for conduct of HSE Policy on the Project.
The HSE Manager for the project will be assigned at an early stage and immediately well prior to the commencement of work at site. He will report directly to the Project Manager at this initial stage and with the support of project management, select the members from team who will participate in initial safety reviews in Project.
The site HSE supervisors will be assigned in sufficient numbers to ensure that fill time coverage and support is provided at every major work face. Contractors Policy is to ensure that all field supervisory staff, from Construction Manager to the field foreman level, plays a proactive role in protecting the health, safety and welfare force on the site. The Policy ensures the maximum numbers of field personnel are given direct responsibility and accountability, in the direct achievement of the site health and safety goals.